Full Seminar Details

Dr Brian Plüss

Dr Brian Plüss
Multidisciplinarity, one-offs and research for the masses: a summary of the EDV project
This event took place on Thursday 04 May 2017 at 12:00

The Election Debate Visualisation (EDV) project is reaching its conclusion (and so is my contract with KMi), so in this talk I will summarise the vicissitudes and peculiarities of this beautiful and very timely project. I will start by covering its lifetime from inception to delivery and outputs (both social and academic). Then, I will focus on a few particular aspects that made EDV quite unique: from our very tight collaboration as academics from information sciences and technology with social scientists from design and political communication (and the many times in which we seemed to be speaking different languages), to running a real-time study with 450 people during a live National event (at the risk of wasting over £20K if anything went wrong), to the challenges of catering research results for the general public. This will also be my last day in KMi before moving to the University of Dundee, so do expect some displays of soppy sentimentalism.

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Maven of the Month

We are also inviting top experts in AI and Knowledge Technologies to discuss major socio-technological topics with an audience that comprises both members of the Knowledge Media Institute, as well as the wider staff at The Open University. Differently from our seminar series, these events follow a Q&A format.

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