Full Seminar Details

Drahomira Herrmannova

 Drahomira Herrmannova
Mining Scholarly Publications for Research Evaluation
This event took place on Monday 16 October 2017 at 11:30

Scientific research can lead to breakthroughs that revolutionise society by solving long standing problems. However, investment of public funds into research requires the ability to clearly demonstrate beneficial returns, accountability, and good management. At the same time, with the amount of scholarly literature rapidly expanding, recognising key research that presents the most important contributions to science is becoming increasingly difficult and time consuming. This creates a need for effective and appropriate research evaluation methods. However, the question of how to evaluate the quality of research outcomes is very difficult to answer and despite decades of research, there is still no standard solution to this problem. Furthermore, the current solutions, which are predominantly based on counting the number of interactions in the scholarly communication network, are insufficient for a number of reasons. This presentation will introduce our work in this area, which focuses on evaluation of research publications, and aims at creating new methods which utilise publication content. It studies the concept of research publication quality, methods for assessing the performance of new research publication evaluation measures, analyses and extends the existing measures, and, most importantly, presents a new class of metrics which are based on publication manuscripts. 

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