Full Seminar Details

Dr. Valerie Lynch

AND Technology Research Ltd

Dr. Valerie Lynch
Big Data, Small Data, Energy Data
This event took place on Friday 20 July 2018 at 11:30

AND Technology Research has been active for over 20 years in monitoring energy. ‘Energy Data’ is created as a consequence.  Much of that time has involved the collection of ‘Small Data’; data relevant to one household and one meter. But for the past 10 years there has been a gradual drive towards ‘Big Data’. Firstly, individual appliances or machines rather than homes and factories were monitored. Sets of ‘Small Data’ emerged. Connecting the data and making inferences about the combination was a natural and obvious next step. ‘Big Energy Data’ arrived. Whenever ‘Big Data’ is considered, the question “What should we do with the data?” arises and this continues as a hot topic for debate at ANDtr.

This talk describes our current work and ideas we have for the future.

Watch the webcast replay >>

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