Full Seminar Details

Monica Ihli

Assistant Professor Librarian, University of Tennessee Libraries

 Monica Ihli
Acknowledgement Lag, Impact, and Community Formation: Data-Driven Approaches for Describing Research Outcomes
This event took place on Monday 28 January 2019 at 11:30

Publication and funder data are rich sources of insight into the research behaviors of scientists. Particularly when these data are harmonized from across systems, we are able to gain understanding of such phenomenon as disciplinary differences in the time it takes to produce outcomes (measured as acknowledgement lag), or how the various sub-divisions of an agency’s research portfolio are performing in comparison to one another. Using United States funding agencies as an example, this presentation will discuss methods and challenges for linking grant awards and research outputs, for measuring research impact, and for examining the effectiveness of efforts to cultivate collaborative relationships in support of scientific objectives.

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