Full Seminar Details

Ms Suchetha Kunnath

Ms Suchetha Kunnath
Citation Classification for Research Evaluation
This event took place on Thursday 17 December 2020 at 11:30

Analysing citations has several applications, one of the most important being research evaluation. Traditional use of citation counts alone as an indicator for measuring the scientific impact has severe flaws and has been subject to disapproval from the research community. To mitigate the problems caused by earlier approaches and to incorporate the qualitative aspects in bibliometric analysis, new methods using citation context analysis were explored by researchers. Rather than manually examining the text, automated methods using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be employed for analysing the sentences surrounding the citation for understanding the reasons for citing a paper. This presentation covers the challenges involved in citation classification, existing methods used by researchers and findings from the first 3C Citation Context Classification shared task, organised as part of the 8th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP), 2020.

Apologies this event has been postponed to the 17 Dec 2020

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