Full Seminar Details
Prof. Wendy Stainton Rogers

This event took place on Friday 11 February 2005 at 14:00
Event Homepage
Welcome to the launch page for attending this hybrid physical/virtual event online.
As a 'virtual participant' you will be using some of the e-PhD tools developed at the Open University's Knowledge Media Institute, which we will be discussing on the day.
These will enable you to:
receive the live webcast of the event with audio, video, slides and live demos of e-PhD toolshave a visual presence at the event with a lo-fi video image of yourself displayed to other virtual participants, and in the venue for co-located participants to seepost comments and questions to the event during discussion feedback sessionsWhat you will see when you are set up
Check your setup
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, (Level 4, Berrill Building), Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK [Maps]
Programme13:00 - 14:00 Lunch14:00 - 17:00 Workshop

Maven of the Month
We are also inviting top experts in AI and Knowledge Technologies to discuss major socio-technological topics with an audience that comprises both members of the Knowledge Media Institute, as well as the wider staff at The Open University. Differently from our seminar series, these events follow a Q&A format.