Full Seminar Details

Denilson Sell

 Denilson Sell
A Semantic Web-Based Architecture for Analytical Tools
This event took place on Monday 21 February 2005 at 12:30

Denilson will present the results of his research work developed in KMi for the last year. This talk is also related to a paper submitted to a conference (IEEE CEC 05).

Despite the importance of analytical tools to organisations, they still lack the flexibility needed to solve the requests of decision makers. In this talk, we present how ontologies and semantic Web services were applied on the conception of an architecture for analytical tools. Our architecture provides a seamless integration of business semantics, data sources and services aiming to guide users in an interactive decision making process. In addition, we present OntoDSS, a prototype analytical tool based on this architecture that illustrates some of the functionalities that may be provided to decision makers within an application scenario

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