Full Seminar Details
Prof. Kristiina Jokinen
Professor of Language Technology, University of Helsinki

This event took place on Tuesday 10 May 2005 at 10:00
The state-of-the-art speech and language technology has reached a level that allows us to build applications which enable users to have short conversations with the system in search for information like bus or train timetables, telephone numbers, etc. However, interactions are usually characterised by simple predefined interaction patterns which often leave the user frustrated due to their repetitive and unhelpful nature.
In this talk, I will discuss possibilities for making interaction more flexible, intelligent and natural by taking some human language capabilities into account. Especially, I will focus on Constructive Dialogue Management so as to model aspects of interaction that contribute to smoothness of interaction, and on adaptive user modelling so as to take the user's expertise level into account.
Download PowerPoint Presentation (929kb ZIP file)

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