Full Seminar Details

Miklos Nagy

KMi, The Open University

 Miklos Nagy
Multi-Agent Ontology Mapping framework Based on Evidence Theory for a Question Answering System
This event took place on Monday 06 June 2005 at 12:30

In my presentation I will introduce an experimental multi agent ontology-mapping framework in the AQUA query answering system that incorporates uncertainty handling inherent to the mapping process. The framework uses Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence for dealing with incomplete and uncertain information produced by the different similarity mapping algorithms. A novel approach is presented how specialized agents with partial local knowledge of the particular domain achieve ontology mapping without creating global or reference ontology. Our approach is particularly suitable fit for a query-answering scenario, where answer needs to be created in real time that satisfies the query posed by the user.

The talk is being hosted by Dr. Maria Vargas-Vera from KMi.

Watch the webcast replay >>

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