Full Seminar Details
Dr. Mounia Lalmas
Yahoo! Research, Barcelona

This event took place on Thursday 17 November 2005 at 12:30
Providing effective access to XML-based content is what XML retrieval research is about. XML retrieval systems aim to exploit the logical structure of documents, which is explicitly represented by the XML markup, to retrieve document components instead of whole documents in response to a user's query. Implementing this more focused retrieval paradigm means that an XML retrieval system needs not only to find relevant information in the XML documents, but also determine the appropriate level of component granularity to return to the user.
This talk will discuss the issues involved in returning the appropriate level of component granularity to the user, the approaches developed to provide this more focussed retrieval, and the evaluation methodology followed by INEX, the Evaluation Initiative for XML Retrieval, to evaluate the retrieval effectiveness of these approaches.
Related links:
INEX 2005.

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