Full Seminar Details

Dr. Helen Ashman

School of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Dr. Helen Ashman
A Walk on the Web
This event took place on Wednesday 30 November 2005 at 12:30

Web research has no real boundaries but many connections between fields of related research. Even its internal categorisations are largely artificial. For example, what we call 'hypertext' has roots in information studies, literature and film, and relies on mathematics for its formalisms. In turn, it forms the basis for many other fields of Web research, including adaptive hypermedia and online learning systems, information visualisation and (at least some of its mathematics) can form the basis for such seemingly unrelated topics such as modelling complexity.

In this talk, we will look at a collection of Web research topics from the Web Technologies Lab (WebTech) in Nottingham, considering the topics' relationships and mutual influence. The talk itself will be a hypertext, so that we can travel the relationships between areas via links.

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Online Presentation (slides)

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