Full Seminar Details
Dr Paul Buitelaar
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

This event took place on Friday 13 January 2006 at 12:30
In this talk I will discuss and illustrate the role of language technology in the ontology lifecycle, specifically in regard to ontology selection, population, deployment and evolution. Solutions based on language technology for each of these steps in the ontology lifecycle will be presented by applications that we are currently working on at DFKI. Additionally, I will address the linguistic (and multilingual) dimension of ontologies and present a lexicon model for the integration of linguistic information into ontologies. Most of the work presented here is performed in the context of the German funded project SmartWeb (http://www.smartweb-projekt.de/) on intelligent information access in the WorldCup football domain.
Download powerpoint presentation (4Mb ZIP file)

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