Full Seminar Details
Dr Dirk Beyer
Ecole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne (EPFL)

This event took place on Tuesday 25 April 2006 at 15:00
We present two techniques for structure analysis that scale to large software systems. In the first part, we present CrocoPat, a tool for relational programming. Its language is illustrated on small examples, and some applications to software analysis are explained. The method can be used to formulate graph analysis problems like the detection of instances of design patterns, or the computation of the transitive closure of large relations, in a simple language based on predicate logic. The second part of the talk will emphasis on co-change visualization, a technique for extracting the subsystem structure of a system from the CVS repository. CCVisu is a tool for co-change visualization. It extracts a high-level model of the change history of the software system and produces a visualization that reveals clusters of the system. The layout ensures that artifacts that were often changed together are placed at close positions.
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