Full Seminar Details

Denny Vrandecic

Institute AIFB of the Universität Karlsruhe

 Denny Vrandecic
Semantic Wikipedia
This event took place on Monday 23 October 2006 at 11:30

Within only a few years, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia has become one of the most important online knowledge sources. The project "Semantic MediaWiki" engages in the conception and development of semantic extensions of MediaWiki – the software underlying Wikipedia. The goal is to enable simple, machine-based processing of Wiki-content by allowing users to provide suitable semantic annotations. However, the special Wiki environment and the multitude of envisaged applications impose a number of additional requirements. The talk presents how the Semantic MediaWiki works, how it can be used, and how the information can be reused in further semantically enabled applications. It shows the benefits of a Semantic Wikipedia, both for the users and the authors.

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