Full Seminar Details

João Magalhães

Imperial College London, and KMi, The Open University

 João Magalhães
Semantic Multimedia Information: Mining, Fusion and Extraction
This event took place on Wednesday 14 February 2007 at 12:00

The extraction of semantic information from multimedia content is a research area that faces multiple challenges: scalability; data scarcity; multiple statistical models for each modality; computational limitations when processing large-scale training datasets; incorrect ground truth...

To address some of the issues hindering multimedia retrieval applications we propose a novel learning framework to extract semantic multimedia information. The framework combines both knowledge and statistical data, and it is divided in three parts: (1) multimedia mining, (2) multi-modal information fusion, and (3) semantic information extraction.

We will discuss several aspects of the framework, such as, scalability, its solid statistical foundation (borrowed from Generalized Linear Models and Bayesian Theory), how it is able to elegantly cope with different modalities, and its performance on semantic image retrieval and large-scale semantic video retrieval.

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