Seminars - Other events

Maven of the month

KMi Maven of the Month was a pioneering initiative we launched back in 1995, in collaboration with the BBC's Open University Production Unit. This was one of the first Internet Talk Radio anywhere in the world (, which used state of the art technologies (for the time...), including RealAudio, CU-SeeMe, Netscape browser and chat windows, as well as standard telephone landlines.

30 years later, we are relaunching it, inviting top experts from around the world to discuss major socio-technological topics with an audience that comprises both members of the Knowledge Media Institute, as well as the wider staff at The Open University.

Maven: Dr. Siān Lindley
Event Title: Actions and their Consequences: Implicit Interactions with Machine Learned Knowledge Bases
Event Date: June 23rd | 11am - noon (BST)

Innovations in machine learning are enabling the automatic generation of organisational knowledge bases from organisation members’ activities. The potential for these emerging technologies to shift the ways in which knowledge is produced and shared raises questions about what types of knowledge might be inferred from people’s actions, how this might support and otherwise alter work, and what the broader ramifications of this might be. In this talk, I will draw on user research to explore how people’s actions might (i) inform automatically generated knowledge bases, and (ii) find support through the design and development of intelligent systems. I will present a framework of actions that are performed as part of everyday work, along with implications and considerations for the responsible design of systems that could learn from, and support, these actions.

Bio: Siān Lindley is a social scientist working on projects at the intersection of the Future of Work and Machine Intelligence themes at Microsoft Research Cambridge. She works in an interdisciplinary team that ships systems, produces user insights, and develops envisionments and prototypes. As part of this effort, Siān researches human-AI collaboration in the context of enterprise knowledge applications, with a specific focus on sense-making, content reuse, and cross-application workflows. Knowledge work is the primary focus here, however, Siān is additionally interested in how intelligent systems can be designed to support front-line workers. Whilst at MSR, Siān has also studied digital possessions, web use, technology for older adults, wearable cameras, messaging devices and situated displays. She has a PhD in Psychology from the University of York and an MSc in Human-Centred Computing Systems from the University of Sussex. She was a Lecturer at UCL before joining Microsoft in 2007.

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