Alumni Member
Aristotelis Charalampous (Alumni)
Research AssistantI am actively helping further enhance COREs recommendation and search engines, including tasks ranging from (big) data processing to algorithm implementations that suit our users' needs. In collaboration with the rest of the team, these solutions are tested on a daily basis on KMi infrastructure and their performance evaluated on them. Lastly, I am catering to the creation and provision of analytics metrics to track the impact of our in-house solutions with the rest of the world.
Keys: (Big) Data processing & modelling, Analytics & Metric Tracking, Machine & Text Learning
Charalampous, A. and Knoth, P. (2017) Classifying document types to enhance search and recommendations in digital libraries, 21st International Conference on Theory and Practise of Digital Libraries (TPDL), Thessaloniki, Greece
Knoth, P., Anastasiou, L., Charalampous, A., Cancellieri, M., Pearce, S., Pontika, N. and , v. (2017) Towards effective research recommender systems for repositories, Open Repositories 2017
Pontika, N., Knoth, P., Anastasiou, L., Charalampous, A., Cancellieri, M., Pearce, S. and , v. (2017) The uptake of the CORE recommender in repositories