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Carlo AlloccaMember status icon

Visiting Fellow
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I started my PhD in KMi in October 2007.

My PhD research is in the Semantic Web field. In particular, I have investigated how to make explicit semantic relations between ontologies and evaluate their effects of "finding the most appropriate ontologies" through the Semantic Web search engine such as Watson.

My supervisors are Dr. Mathieu D'Aquin and Prof. Enrico Motta.

Keys: Semantic Web, Ontologies, Ontology Evolution, Semantic Relation Management, Semantic Web search engine, Background Knowledge, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Reuse, Networked OntologiesTechnologies







03 Nov 2017

08 Jun 2016


Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Innominato, P., Macdonald, J., Saxton, W., Longshaw, L., Granger, R., Naja, I., Allocca, C., Edwards, R., Rasheed, S., Folkvord, F., Batle, J., Ail, R., Motta, E., Bale, C., Fuller, C., Mullard, A., Subbe, C., Griffiths, D., Wreglesworth, N., Pecchia, L., Fico, G. and Antonini, A. (2024) Digital remote monitoring using a mobile health solution in cancer survivors: an observational pilot trial protocol, 12

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Haleem, M., Ekuban, A., Antonini, A., Pagliara, S., Pecchia, L. and Allocca, C. (2023) Deep-Learning-Driven Techniques for Real-Time Multimodal Health and Physical Data Synthesis, Electronics, 12, pp. 1989, MDPI

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Allocca, C., Jilali, S., Ail, R., Lee, J., Kim, B., Antonini, A., Motta, E., Schellong, J., Stieler, L., Haleem, M., Georga, E., Pecchia, L., Gaeta, E. and Fico, G. (2022) Toward a Symbolic AI Approach to the WHO/ACSM Physical Activity Sedentary Behavior Guideline, Applied Sciences, 12, MDPI

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Allocca, C., Jilal, S., Ail, R., Lee, J., Kim, B., Antonini, A., Motta, E., Schellong, J., Stieler, L., Haleem, M., Georga, E., Pecchia, L., Gaeta, E. and Fico, G. (2022) Towards a Symbolic AI Approach to the WHO/ACSM Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines, Applied Sciences, 12

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Adamou, A., Brown, S., Barlow, H., Allocca, C. and d’Aquin, M. (2019) Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library data, International Journal on Digital Libraries, 20, pp. 61-79

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