Alumni Member
Carlos Pedrinaci (Alumni) 
Senior Research Fellow
I am interested in the development of intelligent distributed systems for the Web. My research mainly builds upon results from the Semantic Web and Services communities, and is strongly influenced by Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering principles. Currently I'm focussing on the automated location, interpretation and mining of services and things at Web scale. In previous years I also worked on the development of Semantic Business Process Analysis techniques.
Keys: Data Science, Web of Things, Semantic Web, Service Science, Web Science, Knowledge-Based Systems, Ontologies
Team: Luca Panziera
Marco-Ruiz, L., Pedrinaci, C., Maldonado, J., Panziera, L., Chen, R. and Bellika, J. (2016) Publication, Discovery and Interoperability of Clinical Decision Support Systems: a Linked Data Approach, Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Garcia, J.M., Fernandez, P., Pedrinaci, C., Resinas, M., Cardoso, J. and Ruiz-Cortes, A. (2015) Modeling Service Level Agreements with Linked USDL Agreement, IEEE Transactions of Services Computing
Daga, E., Panziera, L. and Pedrinaci, C. (2015) BASIL: A Cloud Platform for Sharing and Reusing SPARQL Queries as Web APIs, Demo at International Semantic Web Conference
, (2015) Linked USDL Agreement: Effectively Sharing Semantic Service Level Agreements on the Web, IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2015), New York, USA
Daga, E., Panziera, L. and Pedrinaci, C. (2015) A BASILar Approach for Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL Endpoints, Workshop: Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data (SALAD) at European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Portoroz, Slovenia
Tech Reports
On the Integration of Services with the Web of Data
Techreport ID: kmi-09-06
Date: 2009
Author(s): Carlos Pedrinaci,John Domingue,Reto Krummenacher