Alumni Member
Evan Brown (Alumni) 
PhD Research Student

I started my PhD at KMi in May 2010. Prior to this, I worked for almost ten years as a developer and project manager in the software industry.
I started my career as a Knowledge Transfer Associate with Napier University in Edinburgh, working on multimedia content delivery platforms for distance learning. Latterly I developed corpus-based search engines for education with the late Professor John McHardy Sinclair of the University of Birmingham and the Tuscan Word Centre.
My research areas are near-duplicate image detection and content-based image retrieval. I am supervised by Professor Stefan Rueger and Dr. Yulan He. We aim to enable people to search effectively for information based on photographic or pictorial queries rather than just words and phrases. I am also generally interested in the field of law and computing - particularly rights management on the Internet and the development of open source business models.
Keys: content based image retrieval multimedia features duplicate detection visual