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Francisco Bolanos BurgosMember status icon

PhD Research Student
Francisco Bolanos Burgos Photograph

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Francisco Bolanos is a Ph.D. student at the Knowledge Media Institute in the Open University. His research interest is focused on the implementation of AI techniques for scientific discovery.

Before starting his Ph.D., he was a lecturer and the graduate director of the master's programs: Data Science and IT Auditing at UEES, Ecuador. Furthermore, he led the national and international accreditation team for the Graduate Faculty. Regarding high school teaching, he was the computer high school teacher and IT Coordinator at the US Consulate School InterAmerican Academy in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Currently, he is a guest lecturer at the Graduate Faculty at UEES teaching scientometrics to the medical specialties.

Keys: NLP, Knowledge Graphs, Social Network Analysis, Scientometrics

Team: Enrico Motta, Francesco Osborne, Angelo Antonio Salatino



Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Bolanos Burgos, F., Salatino, A., Osborne, F. and Motta, E. (2024) Artificial intelligence for literature reviews: opportunities and challenges, Artificial Intelligence Review, 57, Springer Netherlands

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