Alumni Member
Lucia Lupi (Alumni) 
Visiting PhD Research Student

Lupi, L. and Antonini, A. (2020) Readapting Propp's character archetypes to explore the relational dimension of city data: a design-oriented approach Readapting Propp's character archetypes to explore the relational dimension of city data: a design-oriented approach, pp. 200-229
Antonini, A., (2020) Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling, pp. (Early Access)
Lupi, L., Antonini, A., De Liddo, A. and Motta, E. (2020) Actionable Open Data: Connecting City Data to Local Actions Actionable Open Data: Connecting City Data to Local Actions, 16, pp. (In Press)
Antonini, A. and Lupi, L. (2019) Social AI for Engaging UbiComp, Halfway to the Future, Nottingham, UK
Lupi, L. and Antonini, A. (2019) City Planning and Web-based technologies: misalignments, convergences, and potential future directions, 16th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Wuhan, China