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While I was at KMi in 2011, the problem of cross-language linking the multi-lingual document collections kept me awake all (work)day long.

Keys: cross-language, link-the-wiki, java, python, machine translation



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Knoth, P., Zilka, L. and Zdrahal, Z. (2011) KMI, The Open University at NTCIR-9 CrossLink: Cross-Lingual Link Discovery in Wikipedia Using Explicit Semantic Analysis, NTCIR-9: Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, Question Answering, and Cross-Lingual Information Access, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 495-502

Publications | Download PDF Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Knoth, P., Zilka, L. and Zdrahal, Z. (2011) Using Explicit Semantic Analysis for Cross-Lingual Link Discovery, Workshop: 5th International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: : Computational Linguistics and the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIA) at The 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJC-NLP 2011), Chiang Mai, Thailand

Publications | Download PDF  

Maleshkova, M., Zilka, L., Knoth, P. and Pedrinaci, C. (2011) Cross-Lingual Web API Classification and Annotation, Workshop: The Multilingual Semantic Web at 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Proceedings of ISWC 2011, Bonn, Germany

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