Alumni Member
Maria Vargas-Vera (Alumni) 
Research Fellow
I received my PhD from The Department of Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh University, Scotland UK.
I worked on the AKT Project (Advanced Knowledge Technologies). In particular, I worked in Information Extraction from text using domain specific templates, Ontology-Driven Question Answering, Automated Assessment of Student Essays and Semi-Automatic Construction of Ontologies from text.
I currently work in MCT
Keys: Information Extraction, Question Answering, Automated Assessment, Semi-Automatic Construction of Ontologies from text and Ontology mapping.
Vargas-Vera, M. and Nagy, M. (2010) Towards Intelligent Ontology Alignment Systems for Question Answering: Challenges and Roadblocks, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI), Vol. 2, Num. 3, pp. 244-257, ACADEMY PUBLISHER
Nagy, M. and Vargas-Vera, M. (2010) Reasoning Introspection and Visualisation Framework for Ontology Mapping on the Semantic Web, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Series Informatica, Volume LV, Number 2, pp. 57-68
Nagy, M. and Vargas-Vera, M. (2010) Towards an Automatic Semantic Data Integration: Multi-agent Framework Approach Towards an Automatic Semantic Data Integration: Multi-agent Framework Approach, in eds. Gang Wu, Book chapter in Semantic Web (ISBN:978-953-7619-54-1), pp. 107-134, In-Tech
Nagy, M. and Vargas-Vera, M. (2010) Multi-Agent Voting for Conflict Resolution - A Fuzzy Approach, Second International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2010), Valencia, Spain
Nagy, M. and Vargas-Vera, M. (2009) Reasoning Representation and Visualisation Framework for Ontology Mapping Using 3D modelling, The 4th edition of the Interdisciplinary in Engineering International Conference (Inter-Eng 2009), Targu Mures, Romania