Marian Petre
Professor of ComputingDr Marian Petre is a Reader in Computing at the Open University and an Advanced Research Fellow of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Her B.A. in Psycholinguistics from Swarthmore College (1980) encompassed research on the relationship between language acquisition and reasoning in children.
She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from University College London (1989) for her research on expert programmers' use of programming representations.
During her year-long Research Fellowship at the Institute of Perception Research (IPO) in Eindhoven, Netherlands (1989), she conducted empirical comparisons of programmers' use of graphical and textual programming representations, and she collaborated with Dr. T.R.G. Green (then of the MRC Applied Psychology Unit) on the 'cognitive dimensions of notations' framework.
Gooch, D., Husdon, L., Barker, M., Wolff, A. and Petre, M. (2017) Mining a MOOC to examine international views of the 'Smart City', Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE First International Conference on Smart City Innovations (SCI 2017), California, USA
Gooch, D., Barker, M., Hudson, L., Kelly, R., Kortuem, G., Linden, J., Petre, M., Brown, R., Klis-Davies, A., Forbes, H., MacKinnon, J., Macpherson, R. and Walton, C. (2017) Amplifying Quiet Voices: Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Design at an Urban Scale, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 25(1), 2
Wolff, A., Barker, M. and Petre, M. (2017) Creating a Datascape: a game to support communities in using open data, 8th international conference on Communities and Technologies, Troyes, France
Wolff, A., Zdrahal, Z., Nikolov, A. and Pantucek, M. (2013) Improving retention: predicting at-risk students by analysing clicking behaviour in a virtual learning environment, Learning Analytics and Knowledge
Heath, T., Motta, E. and Petre, M. (2006) Person to Person Trust Factors in Word of Mouth Recommendation, Workshop: Reinventing Trust, Collaboration, and Compliance in Social Systems (Reinvent06) at Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2006), Montréal, Canada