Alumni Member
Mark Gaved (Alumni) 
Research Associate
I am a postdoc researcher at the Open University working on the MASELTOV project (<a href="" class="people"></a>) exploring how mobile phones might support language learning and social inclusion for recent migrants to the EU. My particular focus is on incidental learning (unplanned or unintentional learning) that takes place in everyday life. The OU team, based in the Institute of Educational Technology is developing an Incidental Learning Framework, and considering how feedback and progress indicators might motivate and supporting learning.
Research interests: mobile, networked, and locative learning technologies, informal learning and community based research.
For my PhD research, I worked with communities that developed their own computer network infrastructure to support their activities, and explored the challenges they faced in developing sustainable local community solutions to the digital divide and supporting neighbourhood approaches to technology enhanced social interactions. I believe that networked tools may prove to be as important for supporting local as much as remote interactions. The internet may reduce the friction of space, but not the importance of place. This work continues in my participation in the Enabling Remote Activity (ERA) project: (<a href="" class="people"> </a>)
Keys: mobile learning, locative technologies, incidental learning, community networks, networked communities, DIY culture, social construction of technology, social software, digital inequalities, grassroots initiated networked communities alumni
Jones, A., Scanlon, E., Gaved, M., Blake, C., Collins, T., Clough, G., Kerawalla, L., Littleton, K., Mulholland, P. and Twiner, M. (2013) Challenges in personalisation: supporting mobile science inquiry learning across contexts, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 8, 1, pp. 21-42
Mulholland, P., Anastopoulou, S., Collins, T., Feisst, M., Gaved, M., Kerawalla, L., Paxton, M., Scanlon, E., Sharples, M. and Wright, M. (2012) nQuire: Technological Support for Personal Inquiry Learning, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 5, 2, pp. 157-169
Collins, T., Mulholland, P. and Gaved, M. (2012) Scripting personal inquiry, in eds. Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike, Orchestrating Inquiry Learning
Kerawalla, L., Littleton, K., Scanlon, E., Collins, T., Gaved, M., Mulholland, P., Jones, A., Clough, G. and Blake, C. (2012) Doing geography: a multimodal analysis of students' situated improvisational interpretation during fieldtrips, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 1, 2, pp. 78-89
Mulholland, P., Anastopoulou, S., Collins, T., Feisst, M., Gaved, M., Kerawalla, L., Scanlon, E. and Wright, M. (2012) nQuire: technological support for personal inquiry learning, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 5, 2, pp. 157-169
Tech Reports
An investigation into grassroots initiated networked communities as a means of addressing the digital divide
Techreport ID: kmi-11-04
Date: 2011
Author(s): Mark Gaved
ERA (Enabling Remote Activity): A KMi designed system to support remote participation by mobility disabled students in geology field trips
Techreport ID: kmi-06-15
Date: 2006
Author(s): Mark Gaved, Lewis McCann, Chris Valentine