Alumni Member
Matej Koss (Alumni) 
Research Fellow
I work on the "Clockwork" project, implementing software for sharing of simulation models. I am also developing "Apollo", a sophisticated knowledge modelling editor.
Keys: Software technologies for the knowledge-based systems, ontologies, databases, Java, JSP, HTML, Emacs
Zdrahal, Z., Mulholland, P., Sainter, P., Valasek, M., Koss, M. and Trejtnar, L. (2003) A toolkit and methodology to support the collaborative development and reuse of engineering models, Database and Expert Systems Applications Conference (DEXA 2003), Prague, Czech Republic Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2736, pp. 856 865, springer verlag publishing house
Mulholland, P., Zdrahal, Z., Sainter, P., Koss, M., Trejtnar, L. and Valasek, M. (2003) Supporting the Sharing and Reuse of Modelling and Simulation Design Knowledge, International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Espoo, Finland
Wolff, A., Koss, M. and Zdrahal, Z. (2001) Knowledge Modelling of Hypertension Guidelines MedInfo2001 [CD ROM], eds. V Patel R Rogers R Haux, pp. 302, IOS Press Amsterdam