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Visiting Research Student
Renata Calonego Photograph

Renata Calonego is an undergraduate student in Business, Human Resource Management & Public Relations at UNESP University in Sao Paulo Brazil. She was a visiting research student under the supervision of Dr. Okada at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi-OU) during 2013/2014.

She participated in three projects:

1.OpenScout(European Project): co-investigator of Tool Library platform and OpenScout Portal in High Education with undergraduates for reusing OER in the area of Business and Management.

2. weSPOT (European Project): researcher on a co-inquiry case study in FOOD about the �Nestle Programme� for Health Schools in Brazil. She used the weSPOTworking with social personal open technologies for inquiry based learning to develop her research with Nestle and Schools.

3.COLEARN(Open Research Network : member of the Communication strategies team about collaborative open learning

Calonego is currently a researcher participant of the COLEARN Open Research Network (KMi/OU) and a member of COLEARN Communication Strategies team.

She was the youngest student at the Knowledge Media Institute with impressive quality of publications, posters and reports.




Calonego, R., Andrello, R., Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) A comunicação estratégica empresarial por meio de ambientes virtualizados, Anais do 37º. Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil


Calonego, R., Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) A comunicação estratégica empresarial por meio de ambientes virtualizados, 20º. Congresso Internacional ABED de Educacao a Distancia, Curitiba, Brasil

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Calonego, R., Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) Social, open and personalised environments for communication and knowledge management between business and educational organisations, i-KNOW 2014 International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business, Graz, Austria, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series


Andrelo, R. and Calonego, R. (2014) , Sao Luis REA e a educação aberta corporativa: formação do Relações Públicas para atuar com literacia digital em ambiente organizacional, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, EDUEMA PUBLISHING


Calonego, R., Andrelo, R. and Okada, A. (2013) Professional Development in Communication and Co-Inquiry through weSPOT, Poster at Sixth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, Madrid, Spain

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