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Alumni Member

Rossana Moura (Alumni) Member status icon

Visiting PhD Student
Rossana Moura Photograph

Keys: Rossana Moura holds a Bachelor’s Degree in library science from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) Brazil and a Master’s Degree in Applied Technologies for Information Management. She is a PhD student at the University of Lisbon and was a visiting researcher at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi-OU) under the supervision of Dr. Okada in 2014. Moura is currently a participant of the COLEARN Open Research Network (KMi/OU). She also works as a consultant at UNESCO and is a research-collaborator at LabTec ePlanning. Moura’s research interests comprise the areas of information science, education, rural development, digital inclusion and public policies. She holds large experience in managing social projects, relationship skills, negotiations and inter-institutional partnerships.


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Dr Shweta Suran
Centre for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The I in Misinformation: Understanding the Role of Individual Behavior in Social Media Information Diffusion

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Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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