Alumni Member
Simone Angioni (Alumni) 
Visiting Research Student

Zavarella, V., Consoli, S., Recupero, D., Fenu, G., Angioni, S., Buscaldi, D., Dessí, D. and Osborne, F. (2024) TriplĆ©toile: Extraction of knowledge from microblogging text, Heliyon, 10
Zavarella, V., Recupero, D., Consoli, S., Fenu, G., Angioni, S., Buscaldi, D., Dessí, D. and Osborne, F. (2024) Knowledge Graphs for Digital Transformation Monitoring in Social Media, 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation from Text (TEXT2KG), Hersonissos, Greece
Angioni, S., Consoli, S., Dessì, D., Osborne, F., Recupero, D. and Salatino, A. (2024) Exploring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Discourse in News: An AI-Powered Investigation Through Knowledge Graph Analysis, IEEE Access, 12, pp. 77269-77283
Angioni, S., Consoli, S., Dessì, D., Osborne, F., Recupero, D. and Salatino, A. (2024) Investigating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Discussions in News: A Knowledge Graph Analysis Empowered by AI, 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Technologies and Deep Learning Models for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data, SemTech4STLD 2024, Hersonissos
Meloni, A., Angioni, S., Salatino, A., Osborne, F., Birukou, A., Recupero, D. and Motta, E. (2023) AIDA-Bot 2.0: Enhancing Conversational Agents with Knowledge Graphs for Analysing the Research Landscape The Semantic Web - ISWC 2023, eds. Terry R., et al Payne, 14265, Springer Cham