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Visiting Researcher
Sonia Pinto Photograph

Sonia Pinto graduated in Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Salvador - Bahia and has a Master�s Degree in Education and Contemporaneity at the State University of Bahia (UEBA). She is completing Doctoral Research at the Federal University of Bahia at the Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Programme in Knowledge Diffusion (DMMDC-UFBa)

Sonia Pinto is a lecturer at the University of Bahia and currently, she coordinates a project on digital literacy with young people at Telecentros.BR, a program of the Federal Government of Brazil whose aims focus on digital inclusion and social innovation. She is investigating a CPD model based on Social Network and Knowledge Mapping in the contexts of ICT s and the skills that enable the (re)construction and sharing of knowledge.

She was a visiting researcher at the Knowledge Media Institute - Open University - UK (KMi-OU) under the supervision of Dr. Okada in 2013.

She is currently an international researcher member of the Scientific Committee of the COLEARN Open Research Network (KMi/OU) and representative of the institutional partnership between the Digital Literacy Training Programme of the Secretary of Digital Inclusion of Brazil Government and Colearn KMI-OU.

Her research interests include the areas of digital literacy, scientific literacy, networked learning , knowledge mapping, education and technology and distance learning.



Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2015) Key skills for co-learning and co-inquiry in two open platforms: a massive portal (EDUCARED) and a personal environment (weSPOT), Open Praxis International Journal, 7, 1, International Council for Open and Distance Education


Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2014) Competências-Chave para coaprender em ambientes abertos massivos, RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Superior a Distancia (AIESAD)

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Pinto, S. and Ribeiro, S. (2014) Scientific Literacy through co-Inquiry based on non-formal and informal learning, PCST2014 - 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Salvador-Brazil


Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Barros, D., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2014) Competencias-clave para coaprender y coinvestigar en la era digital en entornos abiertos y massivos, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 2nd edition, 933162227, S. Luis: EDUEMA

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2013) Competências-Chave na era digital para coaprendizagem e coinvestigação, III Colóquio Luso Brasileiro de Educação a Distância e Elearning, Lisboa-Portugal

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