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E-Learning Designer
Sylvia Truman Photograph

My background is in Information Systems, in particular, the development of e-learning systems. My PhD concerned the presentation a generative framework for creative learning to be used as a design support tool for e-learning.This was demonstrated through a music composition program called SoundScape.

I worked as an E-Learning Designer on the G-LEARN project which is an e-learning program designed to assist students with decision making in approaching city planning.

Keys: E-Learning, Creativity, Constructivist Theory, Collaborative Learning, Human Computer Interaction






Zdrahal, Z., Mulholland, P., Truman, S. and Smid, M. (2009) G-LEARN: Using constraint modelling to teach geographical principles, Interactive Computer Aided Learning, ICL 2009, Villach, Austria


Smid, M., Truman, S., Mulholland, P., Zdrahal, Z. and Crouch, S. (2009) G-LEARN: An exploratory learning environment for school geography level, Znalosti 2009, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 213-224, Vydavatel'stvo STU, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3015-0


Truman, S. and Mulholland, P. (2006) Designing educational software to enhance the creative learning experience: An integrative framework, the BCS HCI Group Conference HCI 2006 Engage, Queen Mary, University of London., 2


Truman, S. and Mulholland, P. (2005) A computer assisted approach towards music composition in the classroom: facilitating creativity in mainstream education, The Leeds International Music Technology in Education Conference, Leeds College of Music


Truman, S. and Mulholland, P. (2005) Bridging social learning and creativity: an integrative framework for collaborative-creative music composition within the classroom, Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE) Conference: Musical Creativity in Culture and Mind, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge

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