Tech Report

Scholarly Discourse as Computable Structure

In their initial proposal for structural computing (SC), NŸrnberg et al. [18] point to hypertext argumentation systems as an example of an application domain in which structure is of first-order importance. In this paper we summarise the goals and implementation of a knowledge based hypertext environment called ScholOnto (for Scholarly Ontologies), which aims to provide researchers with computational support in representing and analysing the structure of scholarly claims, argumentation and perspectives. A specialised web server will provide a medium for researchers to contest the significance of concepts and emergent structures. In so doing, participants construct an evolving structure that reflects a community's understandings of its field, and which can support computational services for scholars. Using structural analyses of scholarly argumentation, we consider the connections with structural computing, and propose a number of requirements for generic SC environments.


Second International Workshop on Structural Computing, San Antonio, Texas, June 3, 2000. ACM Hypertext 2000 []

ID: kmi-00-09

Date: 2000

Author(s): Simon Buckingham Shum, John Domingue and Enrico Motta

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