Tech Report

Knowledge Management in a Distributed Organisation

Knowledge has become an important asset in a modern enterprise. Straightforward and fast access to knowledge possessed by its employees may significantly influence the competitiveness of an enterprise. It has become very important for advanced organisations to make the best use of information gathered from various document sources inside companies and from external sources like the Internet. There are many technologies under de-velopment, which address knowledge discovery. On the other hand, there is a lack of efficient technologies focused on organising and sharing of existing knowledge. In this paper we introduce the research in scope of KnowWeb (EC funded project). We focus our attention on two important issues ö (i) how to capture tacit, contextual knowledge that is connected to the documents and (ii) how to support knowledge management in geographically distributed organi-sations through up-to-date communication and AI technologies.


In 'Advances in Networked Enterprises' (Eds. L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, H.-H. Erbe), Kluwer Publ.; 4th IEEE/IFIP Conference on IT for Balanced Automation Systems, Berlin, Germany, September 2000

ID: kmi-00-10

Date: 2000

Author(s): Martin Dzbor, Jan Paralic and Marek Paralic

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