Tech Report
On the integration of technologies for capturing and navigating knowledge with ontology-driven services
"Nowadays, many distinct communities are researching on technologies for knowledge capturing, modelling, and navigation. Moreover, advances in Internet technology makes it possible to perform most of these tasks on heterogeneous and distributed environments such as the Web. These advances though, have raise the need for knowledge services to accommodate the ever increasing number of Web users. To provide such a service one needs to combine key technologies for different aspects of knowledge management: capturing,
modelling, navigating. This should be tightly integrated with the intended service. We describe such an integration effort in this
paper. Our domain is a Web-based news repository and we aimed to provide personalised ontology-driven services on the top of it. We used knowledge capturing technologies to populate the underlying ontologies, knowledge modelling techniques to provide reasoning capabilities for the ontology-driven service, and navigating technologies to overlay Web-pages with the ontology-driven service."