Tech Report

Research Proposal: An Adaptive, Evolutionary User Profile for Knowledge Management.

In order to provide the knowledge worker with potentially useful

information, we propose an architecture for the development of an adaptive, evolutionary user profile. The profile has the ability to adapt to modest, frequent changes to the individual's information needs and in addition to evolve, in order to adjust to more radical but less frequent changes. In order to descrive the architecture, we discuss the profile's initialization, its evolutionary mechanism, the way it evaluates documents and the way it is

adapted. Furthermore, we present a number of knowledge management services and the way that they can be realized based on the proposed architecture. We conclude by enumerating the different stages of the system's development and the corresponding experimentation and testing that will take place at its stage.


Knowledge management, user profiling, associative networks, adaptation, evolution.

ID: kmi-01-17

Date: 2001

Author(s): Nikolaos Nanas

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