Tech Report
Intelligent scheduling - A Literature Review
The literature review builds the initial foundation in understanding our domain of interest, i.e. knowledge-intensive approach for the scheduling application. In order to comprehend the
nature of scheduling problem more soundly it is important to understand the nature of planning paradigm, which goes hand in hand with the scheduling problem. Usually, the scheduling problem comes in a variety of flavours and hence it is vital to know the development of various aspects that are involved in constructing a good schedule. In generic terms the scheduling deals with the temporal assignment of jobs to the resources within the given time framework while maintaining the various constraints. The nature of the components involved in a schedule exhibits quite complicated inter-relation with each other. At the same time a good schedule can be seen as a key to success in variety of applications
such as, manufacturing, resource allocation, project management etc. It makes the scheduling problem very interesting to deal with.
The proposed literature review looks at various issues that are involved in a building a library of problem-solving methods. Although, the literature covers the broad category such as, conventional planning and scheduling paradigms, some of the existing systems built for scheduling application, the knowledge-based perspective looking at a scheduling problem. During which we talk about the knowledge, knowledge sharing, modelling etc. Finally, we see some of the existing task ontologies and the library of problem solving methods that are developed for the scheduling application.