Tech Report

Modelling Naturalistic Argumentation in Research Literatures: Representation and Interaction Design Issues

This paper characterises key weaknesses in the ability of current digital libraries to support scholarly inquiry, and as a way to address these, proposes computational services grounded in semiformal models of the naturalistic argumentation commonly found in research lteratures. It is argued that a design priority is to balance formal expressiveness with usability, making it critical to co-evolve the modelling scheme with appropriate user interfaces for argument construction and analysis. We specify the requirements for an argument modelling scheme for use by untrained researchers, describe the resulting ontology, contrasting it with other domain modelling and semantic web approaches, before discussing passive and intelligent user interfaces designed to support analysts in the construction, navigation and analysis of scholarly argument structures in a Web-based environment.


Buckingham Shum, S.J., Uren, V.S., Li, G., Sereno, B. and Mancini, C. (2007) Modelling Naturalistic Argumentation in Research Literatures: Representation and Interaction Design Issues. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, (Special Issue on Computational Models of Natural Argumentation), 22, (1), pp.17-47

ID: kmi-04-28

Date: 2004

Author(s): Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Victoria Uren, Gangmin Li, Bertrand Sereno, Clara Mancini

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