Tech Report

The Modelling, Capture, and Use of Social Context in Online Tasks

This report consists of three parts. Part I reviews how users online tasks have been conceptualised in previous literature, and how researchers have defined and used context in support of user tasks. Novel conceptualisations of user tasks online and user context factors are then presented and contrasted with earlier work, before a discussion of how these context factors have been supported in previous applications. The modelling of social context is then considered in greater detail, with particular focus on aspects such as the nature of social relationships and trust between individuals. Research gaps identified through this review of the literature are summarised to conclude this section. Part II addresses specific outputs of the research to date. In particular, the conceptualisations of user tasks online and user contexts are discussed in more detail, including coverage of the assumptions they are based upon and the background to their development. Specific technical work carried out is also described, including the planning of a social context application, analysis of tools and technologies that may be utilised, and development of relevant technical skills. Drawing on the gaps identified in Part I of the report, Part III introduces the questions that will be addressed by the research. After justifying the research questions, the methods that will be used are outlined and discussed, including overall plans for how the research will be carried out.

ID: kmi-05-10

Date: 2005

Author(s): Tom Heath

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