Tech Report

Semantic Enrichment of Folksonomies

The goal of this research is to explore the potential of combining the heterogeneous technologies of Semantic Web and Web2.0 in order to contribute to an open and intelligent World Wide Web. This document is the second year research report of this PhD study on integrating Web2.0 and the Semantic Web.


Angeletou, S., Sabou, M., and Motta, E. (2008) Semantically Enriching Folksonomies with FLOR, Workshop: 1st International Workshop on Collective Semantics: Collective Intelligence & the Semantic Web (CISWeb 2008) at European Semantic Web Conference

Angeletou, S., Sabou, M., Specia, L., and Motta, E. (2007) Bridging the Gap Between Folksonomies and the Semantic Web: An Experience Report, Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web and Web 2.0 at European Semantic Web Conference

ID: kmi-08-06

Date: 2008

Author(s): Sofia Angeletou

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