Tech Report

Open Services on the Web

The goal of the here described research is to explore the possibilities of combining

Semantic Web technologies and fundamental Web principles, including URIs and

HTTP, and to apply these on open services on the Web, in order to contribute to a

Semantic Web, which is not only an extension of the current Web with more semantic

descriptions of data but is rather more dynamic and seamlessly integrates services as

sources of that data, which can be automatically discovered, composed and executed

by the computer on behalf of its user. This document is the first year probation report

of this PhD study on open services on the Web.


Maleshkova, M., Kopecky, J., and Pedrinaci, C. (2009) Adapting SAWSDL for Semantic Annotations of RESTful Services, Workshop: Beyond SAWSDL at OnTheMove, OTM2009, Vilamoura, Portugal, OTM 2009 Workshops

Maleshkova, M., Pedrinaci, C., and Domingue, J. (2009) Supporting the Creation of Semantic RESTful Service Descriptions, Workshop: Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web (SMR2) at 8th International Semantic Web Conference, Proceedings of ISWC '09, Washington D.C., USA

ID: kmi-09-05

Date: 2009

Author(s): Maria Maleshkova

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