Tech Report

From Documents to Discourse: Shifting Conceptions of Scholarly Publishing

We are looking at how new forms of document interface can be used to support new forms of scholarly discourse, and ultimately, new models of scholarly publishing. The vehicle we use to conduct this research is the Digital Document Discourse Environment (D3E). D3E is an experimental system supporting the publication of web-based documents with integrated discourse facilities and embedded interactive components. We report here on two cases - an e-journal and a 'new form' of conference - where we have used D3E to promote new forms of discourse between participants. We use these cases to illustrate four principles that guide our socio-technical design actions.


To appear in: Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI '98), Los Angeles, 1998.

ID: kmi-97-19

Date: 1997

Author(s): Tamara Sumner and Simon Buckingham Shum

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