Showing all 5 Tech Reports linked to Arthur Stutt

Semantic Learning Webs

If current research is successful there will be a plethora of e-learning platforms making use of a varied menu of reusable educational material or learning objects. For the learner, the semanticized Web will, in addition, offer rich seams of diverse learning resources over and above the course materials (or learning objects) specified by course designers. This much is already in development. But we can go much further. Semantic technologies make it possible not only to reason about the Web more

ID: kmi-04-04

Date: 2004

Author(s): Arthur Stutt, Enrico Motta

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MnM: A Tool for Automatic Support on Semantic Markup

An important precondition for realizing the goal of a semantic web is the ability to annotate web resources with semantic information. In order to carry out this task, users need appropriate representation languages, ontologies, and support tools. In this paper we present MnM, an annotation tool which provides both automated and semi-automated support for annotating web pages with semantic contents. MnM integrates a web browser with an ontology editor and provides open APIs to link to more

ID: kmi-03-09

Date: 2003

Author(s): Maria Vargas-Vera, Enrico Motta, John Domingue, Mattia Lanzoni, Arthur Stutt, Fabio Ciravegna

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Solving VT in VITAL: A Study in Model Construction and Knowledge Reuse

In this paper we discuss a solution to the Sisyphus II elevator design problem developed using the VITAL approach to structured knowledge-based system development. In particular we illustrate in detail the process by which an initial model of Propose&Revise problem solving was constructed using a generative grammar of model fragments and then refined and operationalised in the VITAL operational conceptual modelling language (OCML). In the paper we also discuss in detail the properties of more

ID: kmi-95-09

Date: 1995

Author(s): Enrico Motta, *Kieron O'Hara, *Nigel Shadbolt, Arthur Stutt and Zdenek Zdrahal


Recording the design decisions of knowledge engineers to facilitate re-use of design models

In this paper we focus on the process of constructing reusable knowledge level models by augmenting an explicit process model of KBS design with a means of recording the argumentation about design decisions. Our method includes a set of design principles and an expressive design language for representing design components (such as tasks and roles) with an extension for decision descriptions. We present a concrete example of the application of our design methodology which illustrates how more

ID: kmi-95-03

Date: 1995

Author(s): Arthur Stutt and Enrico Motta


Reusable and Maintainable KBS Design

The VITAL Design Methodology is augmented with a means of recording argumentation so as to produce reusable knowledge level more

ID: kmi-94-02

Date: 1994

Author(s): Arthur Stutt and Enrico Motta


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