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Champion: Martin Dzbor
Senior Research Fellow RDF Icon

Participant(s):Marc Eisenstadt, Jiri Komzak, Yanna Vogiazou



Enhanced Presence Management for Collaboration, Messaging, and Gaming

BuddySpace aims to provide enhanced capabilities for users to manage and visualise the presence of colleagues and friends in collaborative working, gaming, messaging, and other contexts. Of particular interest is the role of graphical metaphors for presence, including maps, logical layouts such as building schematics and project timelines and abstract artistic layouts such as graffiti walls. We are also studying the semantics of presence, in order to move beyond simple flags such as 'online' and 'busy' to include rich contextual and spatio-temporal information more appropriate to one's focus of activity.


Publications | Download PDF Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Gugliotta, A., (2006) Benefits and Challenges of Applying Semantic Web Services in the e-Government Domain, Semantics 2006, Vienna (Austria), Austrian Computing Society (OCG)

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Gugliotta, A., (2006) Enhancing Data and Processes Integration and Interoperability in Emergency Situations: a SWS based Emergency Management System, Workshop: First International Workshop on Applications and Business Aspects at Fifth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006), Athens, Georgia, USA, eds. Elena Paslaru Bontas Simperl,Martin Hepp,Christoph Tempich, CEUR-Workshop proceedings


Vogiazou, Y. and Eisenstadt, M. (2005) Play based on Presence Awareness: facilitating Emergent Social Behaviours Online, International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education (special issue on Social Learning Through Gaming), 2, 2, pp. 113 126, Troubador Publishing Ltd.

Publications | Download PDF  

Vogiazou, Y., Eisenstadt, M., Dzbor, M. and Komzak, J. (2005) From Buddyspace to CitiTag: Large scale Symbolic Presence for Community Building and Spontaneous Play, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico

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