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Alumni Member

Aba-Sah Dadzie (Alumni) Member status icon

Research Associate - Data Science
Aba-Sah Dadzie Photograph

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Keys: Information Visualisation, Visual Analytics, HCI

Team: John Domingue, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Aneta Tumilowicz



Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Dadzie, A., Uren, V., Miller, T. and Abba-Dabo, A. (2018) Value-driven partner search for Energy from Waste projects, SEMANTiCS 2018 - 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems, Vienna, Austria, Procedia Computer Science, 137, pp. 21-32

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Dadzie, A., Sibarani, E., Novalija, I. and Scerri, S. (2018) Structuring visual exploratory analysis of skill demand, Journal of Web Semantics, 49, pp. 51-70

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Dadzie, A. and Pietriga, E. (2017) Visualisation of Linked Data - Reprise, Semantic Web, 8, 1, pp. 1-21

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Weller, K., Dadzie, A. and Radovanović, D. (2016) Making Sense of Microposts (#Microposts2016) Social Sciences Track, Workshop: Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages (#Microposts2016) at 25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2016), Montréal, Canada, pp. 29-32

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Dadzie, A. and Domingue, J. (2015) Visual Exploration of Formal Requirements for Data Science Demand Analysis, Workshop: Visualizations and User Interfaces for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA 2015) at ISWC 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

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