Alumni Member
Alessio Gugliotta (Alumni) 
Research Fellow
I was a researcher involved in projects concerning application of Semantic Web Service technology in the e-Government field. I am interested in modelling e-Government services by means of Semantic Web Services, adopting the IRS-III approach.
Keys: Knowledge Management, E-Government, Ontologies, Semantic Web Services
Mandler, B., Antonelli, F., Kleinfeld, R., Pedrinaci, C., Carrera, D., Gugliotta, A., Schreckling, D., Carreras, I., Raggett, D., Pous, M., Villares, C. and Trifa, V. (2013) COMPOSE - A journey from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Services, Workshop: Cloud Computing Project and Initiatives - CCPI'13
Dietze, S., Gugliotta, A., Domingue, J. and Mrissa, M. (2011) Mediation Spaces for Similarity-based Semantic Web Services Selection, International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR), Volume 8, Issue 1 (2011), IGI Global
Dietze, S., Gugliotta, A., Domingue, J., Yu, H.Q. and Mrissa, M. (2010) An automated Approach to Semantic Web Services Mediation, Springer Service-Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA), Vol. 4, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 261, Springer
Dietze, S., Domingue, J., Mrissa, M. and Gugliotta, A. (2010) Context-Aware Semantic Web Service Discovery through Metric-based Situation Representations, in eds. Quan Z. Sheng, Jian Yu, Schahram Dustdar, Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies, Chapman & Hall / CRC Press