Alumni Member
Claudio Baldassarre (Alumni) 
Research Assistant

AKA: Burbero , Swiffer , Amatrano.
Electronic Engineer Master Degree;
I was involved in developing Watson a new search engine/repository of semantic content retrievable on the web.
I was personally in charge of validating content of documents checking goodness, populating the repository with extracted entities and assessing semantic quality measures on the documents.
Validation task also worries about finding bad usage in semantic content production and publication and reveals similarity on a scale from different to duplication.
I also designed a translator between RDFS - DAML - OWL languages to OCML language which is used by KMi people involved in DIP and POWERAQUA projects.
I was involved in "Relation Extraction" from raw text against semantic content contained in knowledge base.
Particular signs: Enrico Motta was my boss ;)
Baldassarre, C., Daga, E., Gangemi, A., Gliozzo, A., Salvati, A. and Troiani, G. (2010) Semantic scout: making sense of organizational knowledge, 17th international conference on Knowledge engineering and management by the masses
d'Aquin, M., Baldassarre, C., Gridinoc, L., Angeletou, S., Sabou, M. and Motta, E. (2007) Watson: A Gateway for Next Generation Semantic Web Applications, Poster at International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007
d'Aquin, M., Baldassarre, C., Gridinoc, L., Angeletou, S., Sabou, M. and Motta, E. (2007) Characterizing Knowledge on the Semantic Web with Watson, Workshop: Evaluation of Ontologies and Ontology-based tools, 5th International EON Workshop at International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'07), Busan, Korea
d'Aquin, M., Baldassarre, C., Gridinoc, L., Sabou, M., Angeletou, S. and Motta, E. (2007) Watson: Supporting Next Generation Semantic Web Applications, WWW/Internet conference 2007, Vila real, Spain
d'Aquin, M., Sabou, M., Dzbor, M., Baldassarre, C., Gridinoc, L., Angeletou, S. and Motta, E. (2007) WATSON: A Gateway for the Semantic Web, Poster at European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'07)
Tech Reports
Relation Extraction for Semantic Intranet Annotations
Techreport ID: kmi-06-17
Date: 2006
Author(s): Lucia Specia, Claudio Baldassarre, Enrico Motta