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I have worked on the AKT, Dot.Kom, and ELeGI projects. Currently I am interested in expert search in organizational intranets. A novel two-stage language model is proposed for effective expert search, and achieved excellent results in TREC Enterprise Track Expert Search task.

I have led the development of the CORDER (Community Relation Discovery by Named Entities) system which measures associations between named entities in a text corpus by integrating their occurrences, distances in text, and frequencies in documents.

I authored the ESpotter tool, which provides effective named entity recognition for a domain by adapting its lexicon and patterns to the domain through a URL tree.

Keys: Information Retrieval, Expert Search, Enterprise Search, Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, Text Mining, Semantic Web, Web Link Structure Mining



Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Zhu, J., Huang, X., Song, D. and Rueger, S. (2010) Integrating multiple document features in language models for expert finding, Knowledge and Information Systems, 23, 1, pp. 29-54, Springer

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Zhu, J., Song, D., Eisenstadt, M., Barladeanu, C. and Rueger, S. (2009) DYNIQX: A novel meta-search engine for the web, International Journal of Information Studies, 1, 1, pp. 2-27, 2009 International Journal of Information Studies (IJIS)

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Zhu, J., Song, D. and Rueger, S. (2009) Integrating multiple windows and document features for expert finding, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60, 4, pp. 694-715, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Zhu, J., Song, D., Rueger, S. and Huang, X. (2008) Modeling document features for expert finding, The 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'08), Napa Valley, CA, USA

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Llorente, A., Overell, S., Liu, H., Hu, R., Rae, A., Zhu, J., Song, D. and Rueger, S. (2008) Exploiting Term Co-occurrence for Enhancing Automated Image Annotation, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2008), LNCS 5706, pp. 632--639, Springer

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Tech Reports

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The Open University at TREC 2006 Enterprise Track Expert Search Task
Techreport ID: kmi-07-02
Date: 2007
Author(s): Jianhan Zhu, Dawei Song, Stefan Rüger, Marc Eisenstadt, Enrico Motta

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LRD: Latent Relation Discovery for Vector Space Expansion and Information Retrieval
Techreport ID: kmi-06-09
Date: 2006
Author(s): Alexandre Gonēalves, Jianhan Zhu, Dawei Song, Victoria Uren, Roberto Pacheco

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Exploiting Semantic Association To Answer Vague Queries
Techreport ID: KMI-06-01
Date: 2006
Author(s): Jianhan Zhu, Marc Eisenstadt, Dawei Song, Chris Denham

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