buddyfinder corder technology full details
Find the right people with the right knowledge in the right place at the right time
Online social networking tools are extremely popular, but can miss potential discoveries latent in the social 'fabric'. Matchmaking services can do naive profile matching with old database technology, and modern ontological markup, though powerful, can be onerous at data-input time. BuddyFinder-CORDER can automatically produce a ranked list of buddies to match a user's search requirements specified in a term-based query, even in the absence of stored user-profiles. We integrate an online social networking search tool called BuddyFinder with a text mining method called CORDER to rank a list of online users based on 'inferred profiles' of these users in the form of scavenged Web pages.
Zhu, J., (2007) Social Search With Missing Data: Which Ranking Algorithm?, Journal of Digital Information Management special issue on Web Information Retrieval, eds. Pit.Pichappan, Keith van Rijsbergen, and Iadh Ounis, Digital Information Research Foundation