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Visiting Researcher
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Jo�o was a full-time PhD student in information retrieval at the

Department of Computing, Imperial College London, in the Multimedia and

Information Systems Group, supervised by Prof Stefan Rueger.

His PhD thesis http://people.kmi.open.ac.uk/stefan/www-pub/j.magalhaes-phd.pdf Statistical models for semantic-multimedia information retrieval, published in 2008, has improved multimedia search by exploring semantic-multimedia analysis through two complementary search paradigms: (1) search-by-keyword and (2) search-by-semantic-example. After his PhD studies Jo�o joined Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Portugal, as Adjunct Professor.

Keys: mmis



Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

and Rueger, S. (2012) Using manual and automated annotations to search images by semantic similarity, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 56, 1, pp. 109-129, Springer

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and Rueger, S. (2010) An information-theoretic framework for semantic-multimedia retrieval, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 28, 4, 2010 ACM

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, Ciravegna, F. and Rueger, S. (2008) Exploring multimedia in a keyword space, The 16th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2008), Vancouver, BC, Canada


Overell, S., (2007) GIR experiments with Forostar at GeoCLEF 2007, CLEF 2007 Workshop, Working notes, Budapest, Hungary, eds. Alessandro Nardi and Carol Peters


, Overell, S. and Rueger, S. (2007) Exploring Image, Text and Geographic Evidences in ImageCLEF 2007, CLEF 2007 Workshop, Abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, eds. Alessandro Nardi and Carol Peters, pp. 30

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